Halal Restaurant in Kamakura

Name: Kajiya

Website: http://www.kajiya-jp.com/en/

Location: Kajiya

Hello! Here we meet again for another halal restaurant review in my blog. You can find other halal-restaurant related articles under the tag ‘halal’ in this blog.

Now we will visit Kamakura. Located in Kanagawa Prefecture. You can reach it by taking 30 minutes ride on Yokosuka Line or Tokaido Line Train from Yokohama station. It is well-known with its historical-temples and also the giant Buddha statue. After strolling around the area, you can stop by in one of restaurant which offered halal menu for Muslim visitors. The name of the restaurant is Kajiya.

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Halal Restaurant in New Sapporo Chitose Airport Hokkaido

Name: Donburi Chaya

Location: Domestic Terminal Building 3F

Open: 10.30 – 20.30 JST

We close our babymoon trip in Hokkaido with a seafood treat for our self. Lucky for us, the restaurant is located exactly inside the New Chitose Airport. Therefore we didn’t need to battling with the cold weather. Yaiy!

Actually I am not really interested because we has just ate lunch around 4 hours before. However my husband convinced me to give it a try because It is Hokkaido! Seafood is a must have menu here. The ambience of the restaurant is very cozy and modern. We sat directly in front of the chef.

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Best Halal Ramen in Hokkaido

Name: Houryu Ramen

Location: Google Maps

Ever wondered a bowl of halal ramen with Michelin star award? Yes, you could try it in Hokkaido. It is originally established in Hokkaido. Located in the heart of Sapporo city, you could reach it easily since it is only walking distance from Sapporo station. The name is Houryu Ramen. You should be careful because if you search for Houryu Ramen in Google Maps, there are several stores with the same name in Sapporo. The only store that served halal menu is the flagship store.

It is a small restaurant with 6 seats in front of the chef’s kitchen and 3 tables with 4 seats each. Only 18 seats available. A small one but once you have tried the ramen soup, you could understand why many people love to spending their time queue even in the middle of winter season. Me and my husband were lucky enough that we do not have to queue once we arrived in the doorstep of the restaurant. The waiter saw my hijab and directly ask ‘halal menu?’. This is one of advantage wearing hijab. It shows the identity of a moslem and people around you will directly understand what to served for you.

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Praying Space in Sapporo

Prayer Room Entrance in Ishiya Chocolate Factory

Sapporo is one of the most moslem-friendly city in Japan from my experience. It is really easy to finding halal restaurant and also praying space. I was visited two areas in Hokkaido: Sapporo and Otaru. Both has a great impression for me.

First, we will talk about Sapporo. Once you arrived in Sapporo Station, you can directly went to the high-end mall ‘Daimaru’ located nearby exactly beside the station. The praying room located in the 3rd Floor. One thing that surprise me, even they listed the praying room sign in the floor guidance directly after the upward escalator. Therefore you can easily find the praying room. It has spacious space separated for men and women. They also has wudu bassinet for each men and women. Please do not forget to write down your name in the attendance list, therefore the Daimaru could knew that the facilities has been used by many moslem visitors and very important for us. Since it is located nearby the Sapporo station, you can easily reach it anytime. You can roam around the cities and while you pass the intersection area in Sapporo station, you can pray there. Enjoy your traveling time hassle-free and not have to worried when the praying time come.

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Authentic Halal Okomomiyaki in Hokkaido

Name : Fugetsu Tanukikouji 2chome

Location: Google Maps

There is only one halal okonomiyaki and takoyaki restaurant in Kanto area. I am not yet have a chance for visiting it. Therefore once I knew there is one halal okonomiyaki restuarant in Hokkaido, I decide to put it on my itinerary. It is located in quite small entrance. It is on the 2nd floor. You should find it directly after the staircase.

We arrive there around dinner time. Luckily only one group consist of three people queue before us. One elderly man approached us while we are waiting. The appearance is so comical. He has a bald head with chubby cheeks and also big body posture. He welcome us and hand out a name card. He speaks a little bit of English. Turns out he is the owner of the restaurant. The name card also very interesting, one side has his photo when he is 22 years old. The other side has his caricature figure. The funny thing is if you ever find the caricature usually exaggerate the appearance of the objects, this time the caricaturist drew exactly the same figure as the real one. Trust me, his appearance is exactly look like this picture below:

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Halal Restaurant in Beijing Capital International Airport

Few days ago I got a chance for visiting Beijing. Actually our final destination was Jakarta, however there was a great promo ticket with Air China which we found through skyscanner. The fact that me and my husband have not visit Beijing yet and actually it is on our bucket-list has urged us to click the buy button. Since our flight will have 16 hours layover in Beijing, then we could apply for free 24/144 hours visa. This visa allowed us for going outside airport with the maximum time period depended on the next flight schedule. You can read it here for the complete visa application’s guidance.

The next thing I search in the internet is whether there is a halal restaurant in the Beijing airport. Since we decided to stay at the airport overnight, it will be great for having a quick bite breakfast at the airport before we embark on our journey to explore downtown Beijing. There is limited information regarding halal restaurant in Beijing airport, but I stumble across one website which gave information that there is a Muslim Restaurant in West Food Sky Island 5th Floor Terminal 3. The opening hours are from 06:00 to 22:30. Such a perfect opening time for an early breakfast since we only have limited time to explore Beijing.

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Halal Wagyu Barbeque di Tokyo dengan Harga Ekonomis

Pilih-pilih restoran buat makan di luar hari ini, akhirnya jatuh pilihan ke restoran Halal Sakura. Kenapa?

1. Ada sertifikasi halal dari NAHA (Nippon Asia Halal Association). Sebenarnya bisa saja tidak mengambil sertifikasi asalkan yakin pemiliknya amanah. Namun dengan mengambil sertifikasi yang pastinya tidak murah, menunjukkan keseriusan pemilik dengan komitmen halalnya. Kalau saya dan suami menaruh apresiasi lebih kepada restoran semacam ini (sekaligus juga menunjukkan dukungan kami dengan memilih berkunjung ke sana). Pemilik restoran ini seorang brother muslim dari Uyghur.

2. Terdapat menu barbeque harga ekonomis. Bagi yang ingin mencoba menu barbeque sapi wagyu namun tidak ingin mengeluarkan budget berlebihan (umumnya harga mulai 4000 yen), maka dapat mencoba menu di sini mulai dari 1200 yen saja untuk porsi 1 orang. Dagingnya juicy, melted di mulut dan pastinya ga membuat kantong bolong. hehe..

3. Lokasinya cukup strategis dan mudah dijangkau menggunakan Yamanote Line dari Stasiun Usuigudani.

4. Buka mulai pukul 11-23. Nah ini yang enak karena biasanya di Jepang tempat makan akan ada break dari jam 2-5. Jadi buka betul2 hanya di jam makan siang dan malam.

5. Restorannya cukup luas. tersedia lebih dari 70 seat. Jadi tak perlu khawatir kehabisan seat. Biasanya restoran di Jepang imut-imut dengan seat terbatas.

Makanan Halal di Penerbangan Internasional

Penerbangan internasional selama lebih dari 5 jam tentu membutuhkan asupan makanan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan makan pagi / siang / malam. Bagi para pelancong muslim, kemudahan semakin banyak didapatkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akan makanan halal. Banyak maskapai yang sudah menyediakan jasa pemesanan untuk para penumpang yang memiliki restriksi makanan tertentu misalnya: halal, kosher, gluten-free, dan lainnya.

Syarat yang harus dipenuhi yakni permintaan makanan dengan restriksi tertentu tersebut harus dipesan minimal 3 hari hingga 24 jam sebelum keberangkatan. Sebaiknya pemesanan dilakukan langsung setelah pembelian tiket, untuk menghindari lupa dan berakhir anda tak bisa makan apapun.

Foto di atas adalah contoh makanan halal yang disediakan oleh ANA Airlines dalam penerbangan dari Tokyo – Jakarta di kelas ekonomi. Sejauh ini sudah beberapa maskapai yang saya coba menu halalnya seperti: Qatar Airways, Thai Airways, Korean Air, Garuda Indonesia, dan ANA. Sejauh ini menu yang paling berkesan yakni yang disediakan oleh Qatar Airways. Semuanya enak bahkan hingga saya terlalu kenyang. Makanan yang disajikan seolah bukan makanan catering pesawat karena kualitasnya hampir tak berbeda jika kita membeli di restoran.

Tak hanya makanan utama, untuk makanan ringan pun disediakan seperti kacang maupun es krim. Salah satu keuntungan lainnya yakni jika kita memesan makanan dengan restriksi khusus, maka pramugari akan memberikan kita makanan lebih dulu dibanding penumpang lain. Jadi dimanapun tempat duduk kita, saat sebelum penerbangan, pramugari biasanya akan mengkonfirmasi dengan menanyakan pemesanan makanan kita lalu menaruh stiker penanda di kursi agar lebih mudah dilihat oleh pramugari yang nantinya menyajikan makanan.Β  Jadi kalau anda melakukan penerbangan jarak jauh, jangan lupakan untuk melakukan pemesanan makanan halal melalui internet ya!


Halal Tak Hanya Sekedar Tak Mengandung Babi

Lagi heboh samyang non halal tampaknya ya di Indonesia. Mumpung nih lagi hits topik ini, yuk sekalian belajar yuk tentang produk makanan Jepang yang kekinian juga ga semuanya halal loh.

😩: tapi kan ga bisa baca tulisan kanji?!
πŸ˜„: tenang cuma dikit kok kanji bahan makanan yang non-halal
😩: ah gapapa bismillah aja
πŸ˜„: ga makan sebenernya juga gapapa kan? Masih banyak yang jelas berlabel halal kok.
😩: ah tapi males bacain satu-satu huruf kanji
πŸ˜„: ya udah sini fotoin komposisi di bungkusnya trus saya bantuin baca (serius loh silahkan japri saya ^^)

Berikut ini ada list lengkap panduan memilih makanan halal terutama bagi yang berada di Jepang:

Yuk jadi konsumen cerdas dan ga asal latah kekinian ^^

Mushola di Stasiun Tokyo

Senang sekali hari ini sempat mampir ke Mushola yang berada di Stasiun Tokyo. Meski kecil, tapi punya semua fasilitas lengkap: tempat wudhu lengkap dengan tirai agar akhwat lebih leluasa berwudhu dan juga kursi (kayanya hanya di indonesia yg wudhunya ga dikasih kursi), penunjuk arah kiblat, dan papan pembatas antara shaf pria dan wanita. Tentu saja ini adalah hasil riset mereka yang mempelajari fasilitas untuk shalat itu seperti apa, kemudian diterapkan. Semoga di Indonesia makin banyak mushala yang tidak se-ada-nya apalagi tempatnya di’asing’kan ke parkiran mobil tanpa saluran udara yg baik. Kalau berkesempatan melewati Stasiun Tokyo maka jangan lupa menyempatkan menunaikan shalat di sini.